
Donate Inventory & Supplies

把你可用的剩余物品变成“宝藏”,送给迈阿密戴德县公立立博中文版我们的时事通讯的学生. Here's how:

  • Identify all usable excess inventory, remnants, surplus supplies, etc
  • Complete the online form below 海洋银行教育资料中心的经理会打电话给您,讨论贵公司的捐赠事宜,并安排送货或取货.
  • Not sure if your items are appropriate to donate, call The Education Fund at 305-558-4544, x107.
  • 保留您在企业捐赠后收到的信件,并将其出示给您的税务顾问,以确定您的捐赠是否有资格根据美国国税局第170(e)(3)条获得高达200%的税收减免。.
  • 要知道,贵公司的物资将在整个迈阿密戴德县的公立立博中文版我们的时事通讯教室中得到充分利用. We will catalog and display your items at the Ocean Bank Center for Educational Materials, an 11,000-sq.-ft. warehouse, where thousands of teachers visit to receive free supplies.
  • Receive recognition in program newsletters, invitations, flyers, teacher publications and at special events.

Jocelyn Salazar

Made possible with support by: 

Your Information
First Name
Last Name
Zip Code
Fax Number

Brief Description of Item(s)
Date of Donation
Item 1
Item 2
Item 2 Quantity
Item 2 Fair Market Value
Item 3
Item 3 Quantity
Item 3 Fair Market Value
Item 4
Item 4 Quantity
Item 4 Fair Market Value
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Item 5 Quantity
Item 5 Fair Market Value
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Item 6 Quantity
Item 6 Fair Market Value
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Item 7 Quantity
Item 7 Fair Market Value
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Item 8 Quantity
Item 8 Fair Market Vaue
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Item 9 Quantity
Item 9 Fair Market Value
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Item 10 Quantity
Item 10 Fair Market Value